Why Did My One-Day Garage Floor Fall Apart So Fast? What to Watch Out for in New Jersey!

Garage Floor CoatingPress Release

It’s a tale as old as time (well, as old as polyurea-polyaspartic coating systems anyway). A customer wants a new garage, basement, or commercial floor…quickly. Hence, they go with the guys who brag about being able to do a one-day garage floor, where installation takes only a single day.

A few months go by, and it all starts to fall apart. You’ve heard the phrase “quality over quantity”? We’d like to add our own: “quality over speed”. You wouldn’t want a rushed job by someone installing your roof. Equally, you certainly don’t want a rush job when it comes to your concrete floors.

Moisture and Adhesion Concerns

New Jersey’s varied climate, with its humid summers and freezing winters, presents a challenge for concrete floors. The moisture in the concrete needs to be mitigated. However, one-day systems often fail to properly manage the moisture content in concrete, which is critical for the coating’s adhesion.

These coating systems use polyurea-polyaspartics as both the primer coat and clear top coat to complete the job in the promised one day. However, quick-curing polyurea-polyaspartics cure even faster in the presence of moisture (whether in the concrete or in the air). Consequently, quick-curing polyurea-polyaspartics simply don’t properly penetrate and bond well with the concrete slab. There’s simply insufficient time! (Effective bonding of these coatings requires concrete moisture levels to be very low; a difficult task in the NJ environment). Hence, using this coating type as primer under medium to high moist conditions can result in bubbling, peeling, and even severe delamination.

Why Spending Two Days Is a Superior Option

Fortunately, there’s a better way. Firstly, on Day 1 of installation, a slow-curing, moisture-mitigating, 100%-solids epoxy primer is applied as a moisture vapor barrier. This slower-curing, high-build coating deeply penetrates the concrete, and as a result, it manages potential moisture-related issues far more effectively.

Day 2 is dedicated to the application of dual 100%-solids polyurea-polyaspartic top coats. This is where these coatings shine…as UV, stain, chemical and impact-resistant top coats. Never as primer coats! This method ensures the flooring system can withstand New Jersey’s weather conditions. Moreover, these industrial-grade coatings ensure the integrity and appearance of your concrete coating is maintained.

Business Implications and Safety

Additionally, for businesses, flooring choices can impact safety and compliance with building codes. Poor installation can lead to accidents, legal liabilities, and failure to meet regulations. Conversely, a professional two-day installation mitigates these risks, ensuring a safer environment for both employees and customers. This adherence to best practices helps businesses avoid potential legal and safety issues. It can also demonstrate a commitment to safety and quality that can attract more clients and customers.

Choose Quality

Comparatively, one-day installations are faster (if you don’t include repairs down the road). However, two-day installations from honest professionals provide the longevity, safety and visual appeal you’re probably looking for. Additionally, it’ll withstand New Jersey’s weather demands, which can be quite demanding at times.

Media Contact

Garage Floor Coating of New Jersey, Garage Floor Coatings of New Jersey, 856-933-9981, salesleads.nj@garagefloorcoating.com, https://www.garagefloorcoatingofnj.com/

SOURCE Garage Floor Coatings of New Jersey
